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Tips To Prepare Your Pet For Cold Weather

November 09, 2023

By pawTree Home Office


The winter season brings some of the best times: beautiful snowfalls, family time, tasty treats … It’s also a time of increased risk for our pets! Cold temperatures, chemicals on the road, drying heaters and more can create potential dangers for our fur baby’s well-being.

Going outside is an inevitable part of being a dog, so how do we keep our dogs safe in cold weather? And, how do we prepare for the winter as pet parents? Here are our best tips for getting ready for low temperatures, so your pets are safe, healthy and happy.

First, How Cold is Too Cold For Dogs?

If it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for your pup! At 45°F, dogs might start to feel uncomfortable. Once freezing temperatures hit, your dog is definitely cold — senior dogs, sick dogs and puppies shouldn’t be outside for very long. Once the weather is 20°F or colder, dogs of all breeds and weight are at risk of hypothermia and frostbite.

Tips to Prepare Your Pets for the Winter Season

Be Aware of the Winter Risks

As a pet parent, it’s important to be aware of the dangers that cold weather poses to dogs! Here are a few of the biggest winter risks:

  • Hypothermia — Watch for whining, shivering and moving more slowly than usual.
  • Bodies of Water — Keep pets on a leash and away from icy water during walks!
  • Antifreeze — Its sweet smell can be appealing, but antifreeze is highly toxic to dogs.
  • Salt & Other Chemicals — These can get stuck to their paws and fur while on walks.

Keep Pets Indoors When Possible

During cold weather, keep your pets inside when you can — especially during inclement weather. Dogs thrive most when kept as indoor pets with access to the outdoors for walks, playtime and bathroom use.

If you must keep your pup outside, be sure to provide a dry, draft-free enclosure that complies with the Humane Society of the U.S.’s standards. Your pup should be able to sit, lie down and turn around, but still be small enough to hold their body heat!

Prep Care for Coat, Skin & Paws

There’s little more adorable than a puppy frolicking in a new snowfall, but the salt and chemicals that come along with cold weather can be dangerous to their health.

Each time your fur baby comes inside, towel them dry and remove all snow and other dirt. Pay extra attention to their paws and in between the toe pads. We recommend wiping their paws with a damp cloth to reduce the chance of consuming something dangerous.

Lastly, use a moisturizing balm, like pawTree’s shea butter balm, to keep the pads of the feet and nose hydrated and prevent cracking. As heaters come on and cold winds blow, it becomes more challenging to keep skin healthy — butter balms can help!

Bulk & Bundle Up!

Layers are the name of the game in cold weather. Let long-haired pups grow their hair long for extra warmth during this time, and consider sweaters, parkas and boots. If your pup can tolerate it, clothing can add extra protection from the elements. Plus, it’s always a heartwarming sight to see a fur baby in a parka!

If your pup spends lots of time outdoors, consult your vet about potentially increasing their caloric intake. In some cases, your pet might need more food in the winter season.

Stock Up on Indoor Games & Activities

Many of our four-legged companions get their best exercise and happiness from parks, hikes and other outdoor activities. So as the winter begins, be sure to stock up on indoor games and family activities, so you can keep their spirits up!

Buy your pup a new toy or play fetch in a long hallway! You might even plan a family activity and bake wintry, pet-friendly Snicker’doodles’. Check out our list of indoor games and activities to keep you and your pup entertained.

Bathe Less

We found out not too long ago that washing human hair too often can strip your scalp of essential oils. The same is true for pups! During the cold weather season, reduce the frequency of your baths to keep skin hydrated and healthy. When you do need to bathe your fur baby, be sure to use a moisturizing, soap-free shampoo to prevent itchy and dry skin.

Additionally, consider adding a wild salmon oil to their care routine! The essential Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in a salmon oil will keep their coats soft and their skin healthy during the cold weather season.

Make the Inside Cozy

In preparation for colder temperatures, set up a warm space for your pet to hang out inside. Take some of your pup’s favorite blankets, beds, and plush toys and make an enclosed space they can cuddle up in. These kinds of spaces become safe havens for your pets; they’re good for their physical and emotional health!

Remember, if it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for your pet! Before the weather gets too cold, grab everything you need for a safe and successful winter. Once you have all the essentials, it’s time for hot cocoa, a treat, and a movie with your sweet pup to welcome the cold weather.

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